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Cristina Martorell Weiler
Novartis Consumer Health S.A. – a GSK Consumer
Healthcare company - Global Marketing

My experience working with the adDress has been extremely positive. the adDress has not only enabled high quality production with significant savings vs the original estimates shared by the production house, but they have gone above and beyond, by giving me guidance and point of view on all elements related to Production. the adDress has ensured the quality of the output is never at risk, while knowing exactly the areas to dig deeper to ensure we are getting good value for money. Over the two years working with the adDress, they have saved us upward of 35% of the original estimates for every toolkit we have developed. They have taken the time to explain the nuances within usage rights, talent fees, weather day insurance, and many other ‘’black boxes’’ we are not trained on relating to production. This time spent saved us a huge sum of money when it rained all 4 days of our 4 day shoot! Their expertise in production has been essential to getting GSK the right value for our productions.

Lise Decoux
BNP Paribas Personal Finance
Brand Communication and Advertising

the adDress is a valuable partner that can provide advice and expertise on both quantitative and qualitative dimensions. We have worked with the adDress’ teams for a number of years, they were able to seamlessly integrate our various problems and adapt themselves to the new media business. the adDress’ services are a guarantee of efficiency, productivity and quality.

Amandine Morel
Global brand development director

Sandrine Dress and her team support us on all of our campaigns. A partnership based on trust, where each item in the budget is analysed in order to find the utmost coherence while preserving quality. Also appreciated is their ability to adapt at all stages on complex productions.

Laetitia Rambaud
Brand Marketing Director EME

Sandrine Dress and her team have supported us on all our productions.
The address guides us through every production step even in unrealistic timelines! The discussions are always constructive, transparent, super fluid and reactive. Everything is looked over, husked out and challenged, while never impacting quality. Because that’s also part of working with the address. Much more than just cost control, Sandrine’s team have acquired an unbelievable experience in luxury productions; they know all the directors, DOPs, photographers… all the major parts of high quality productions, and are therefore able to provide solid suggestions in addition to the agency. It’s a real plus for the client in realizing productions with its agency. Today, it is an indispensable partner for us.

Thomas Moradpour
The Glenmorangie Company
President & CEO

The best relationship in the world with ad agencies and production companies cannot replace the adDress’ added value when it comes to optimizing our project. Savings are a given, even beyond the adDress’ fees, and having a partner that is so widely respected in the field is a huge advantage when it comes to negotiating as well as avoiding hour long debates and unnecessary aggravation. But what I appreciate above all, is Sandrine and her team’s expertise and pro-activeness which time after time allowed us to take our projects a step further towards more quality.